The Interlake Inquirer


By Leslie Park  •  Dec 6, 2023  •  2 minute read

Saints, do you remember HoCo week when love was in the air? From text to underwear to posters, there was a WIDE variety of interesting proposals and memories that are very interesting to recount.

Lucas (12), Tamjeed (12), Arantxa (12):

A trio of friends asked each other out at various locations around and nearby the school. Lucas asked Tamjeed outside of his house, Arantxa waited for Lucas outside a classroom, and Tamjeed asked Arantxa when she was working on the senior HoCo float. It shows that there is MORE THAN ONE WAY to make HoCo special, even if you don’t have a romantic partner!

Kenna (12) and Claire (12):

Last year, Kenna asked Claire, so this time Claire asked Kenna out with an adorable poster. It read “Kenna-I take a sample of you to HoCo?” with a bright pink peach next to it. In a quote from Claire, she “…was going to say, ‘Sample of your gyat’, but [her] friends advised otherwise”. The peach brings honor to the abandoned gyat, so the …suggestion… is still there. Anyhow, the friends have a vibrant chemistry you can see in the photos, and I hope they burn on!


This person took to Teams after he (*ahem*) lost the courage to do so in-person. He makes up for the lack of confidence by BEING AHEAD OF THE GAME. The proposal took place last year through text, and though she had some uncertainty at first, he persevered until his date said yes. You could sense the palpable relief, enthusiasm, and happiness emanating from the messages with his all-caps “THANK YOU SO MUCH”. Though it started off unsteadily, it was an overall success. Wishing for smooth sailing ahead for this couple!

Conrad (9):

As a (hopefully) joke, Conrad’s so-called “homie” pulled a dynamic ask by pulling down his pants. Though it wasn’t a serious ask, I’m sure it was very memorable. A warning to the readers out there: Unless you ARE FAMILIAR with someone you are going to ask, stripping down your pants isn’t generally recommended.

Tiara Aguilar, Michael Montero-Poseda

In a fantastic Spiderman themed HoCo proposal, Tiara surprised her boyfriend, Michael. Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse was the first movie they watched together, and as soon as the movie was over, she started planning the proposal (in late July!). She spent 7 HOURS on the costume to trace a scene, detail the outfit, and position it by hand to make it look realistic enough. In terms of the actual HoCo ask, she hid in a friend’s truck in Crossroads and when Michael opened it, she popped out singing “That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars. This event she pulled off requires dedication and a certain amount of patience- something I personally would not be able to do… Good luck to the couple- I hope for the best!

I hope that this provided a sense of amusement for your otherwise normal/uneventful/[fill in the blank] lives. After everything people pulled off for HoCo, I can’t wait to see Valentine’s Day rolling around! I wish the best of luck for all the couples out there!