The Interlake Inquirer

Awards of the Mighty Interlake Music Program

By Ruochen Xu  •  May 18, 2024  •  1 minute read

It takes a tremendous amount of commitment and effort to be a part of the music program at Interlake. Any student in band, orchestra, or choir knows the long hours of rehearsal and practice required to help make their ensemble successful. At Interlake, musicians juggle their priorities of homework and music, often sacrificing their time to participate in music concerts, competitions, and more. We’ll be highlighting some of the music program’s achievements, as well as recognizing the hard work they continue to put in.

Here are the music department’s recent achievements!

- 27 Interlake band and orchestra students were accepted into the highly competitive 2023 WMEA All-State and All-NW Honors Ensembles.

- The Interlake Chamber Orchestra won 1st place at the National Orchestra Cup Championships at New York’s Lincoln Center in March 2023, and was selected to perform at the All-Northwest Conference in February.

- The Interlake Jazz Ensemble won 2nd place at the Newport Jazz Festival in March 2023 and the Bellevue Jazz Festival in May 2023.

- All Interlake orchestras, bands, and choirs received superior ratings at the WMEA Eastshore Region Festivals in March 2023.

So you may be wondering, what criteria do adjudicators use to evaluate ensembles in competitions? Adjudicators listen for important musical elements, including rhythm, intonation, tone quality, and more. They also look for blending of sound within the ensemble and collaboration among musicians – their ability to move and work together cohesively. As said by orchestra director Dr. Katsman, “ensembles in which the musicians react and respond effectively to each other is what creates a truly enjoyable and meaningful performance.”

To prepare for these competitions, students collaborate with one another in small group practices in addition to large ensemble rehearsals in class. Also, musicians practicing individually at home and being prepared for class every day is crucial for an ensemble to be truly ready.

Events like concerts, festivals, and other performances help motivate students to practice and focus on the details to aid in their personal improvement, and these events help to unify musicians and create a strong community within the group. Students say that the excitement and determination that surfaces in preparation for a competition makes them feel more connected to one another, with all of them working toward a shared goal – to play as well as they possibly can.

Thank you to Dr. Katsman, Mr. Kim, Mr. Gillespie, and Mr. King for their countless hours of dedication and hard work put toward the Interlake music program. We’re looking forward to great things from the Interlake music department!