The Interlake Inquirer

Interlake’s Winter Favorites

By Julia Ye  •  May 1, 2024  •  2 minute read

As the weather changes with the seasons, our favorite attire, food, and hobbies do too. Whether it’s transitioning from cropped baby tees to thermal long-sleeved shirts or switching from iced lemonade to a warm cup of tea, we’ve all experienced some degree of change as we transition into the winter season. However, everyone’s unique: while some students might enjoy the hilarious storyline of Home Alone, others prefer the nostalgic childhood memories that Frozen entails. To better understand what winter items Interlake students couldn’t live without, we’ve compiled a list of 64 students’ “Winter Favorites.”

Clothing and style inevitably changes as the weather shifts from hot summer days to a chilly frosty climate. Out of sixty-four students, the majority (42.9%) chose sweatpants as their winter clothing staple, with puffer jackets being a close second at 39.7%.

Freshman Eliana Awad sums it up, “I love wearing cozy pants in the winter to keep me warm”. Other respondents agree, replying that sweatpants were comfortable, warm, and stylish.

Regarding puffer jackets, some commented on their outstanding style: “I think puffer jackets are so cute and you can wear them with anything,” responds sophomore Deetya Vuppala. Freshman Emma Wang said that she “liked being a marshmallow”, and others supported the jacket’s versatility, warmth, and said that they “looked cool”.

The small minority of winter boot and turtleneck lovers agreed that turtlenecks, and that “any type of chunky sweaters or turtlenecks look nice and are so comfortable for winter.” (Zoha Khan, freshman.)

As for Interlake’s favorite winter drink, the vast majority (56.3%) stated that hot cocoa with marshmallows is their favorite winter drink. “A classic winter drink, hot chocolate is one of the best, most comforting drinks to have during the winter. It’s especially good during a snowy day,” says freshman Willy Du. The primary factors that make the best winter drink are because it’s cozy, healing, traditional, and well-loved. Several others agree, including their favorite hot cocoa variations – hot cocoa bombs, peppermint hot cocoa, etc.

On the other end of the spectrum, the infamous pumpkin spice latte gained much less attention. The small minority of this “exotic” drink commented that it keeps them awake, tastes good, and was their favorite Starbucks drink. To these six people: we’re happy it works for you.

Once the snow falls and the air turns icy, the winter activities ensue – ice skating, sledding, snow sports, building snowmen, the list goes on. With a stunning majority of 46%, skiing and snowboarding took the win for Interlake’s favorite winter activity. “Skiing requires the least amount of effort for the highest payoff,” says freshman Ece Eskici. Students mention that they enjoy the exhilarating rush and sense of freedom that comes with skiing, especially when gliding down powdery slopes alongside friends and family. Many cherish skiing traditions and find joy in the sport’s blend of fun and adrenaline, making it their top choice for winter activities.

“I like going whoosh downhill. It is extremely gratifying,” comments Rohan Badgandi, junior, on skiing and snowboarding’s less known counterpart, sledding. Though it garnered a smaller appreciative minority, sledding advocates found it to be a gratifying winter activity that doesn’t require much skill, is a cherished annual tradition, and is “the best thing to do with family and friends!” says Ananya Anandi Ratheesh, 9th.

Without hesitation, the most beloved movie in Interlake’s heart was Home Alone, with a whopping 67.8% majority of respondents. Students have a strong affinity for the film, praising its “iconic status”, “comedic brilliance”, and timeless appeal as a holiday classic (quoted by a third of the respondents!). It’s celebrated as the quintessential Christmas movie, enjoyed annually as both a nostalgic childhood reminder and a hilarious family tradition, standing out for its engaging story and memorable moments.

Out of the four movie selections, E.L.F. only received one vote by freshman Jayden Park. “I love the movie Elf because it has the perfect mixture of comedy, silliness, and contains valuable lessons pertaining to family bonding and love - I especially liked the part where Buddy got jumped by the little dude.”

Moreover, Interlake students seem to love Bellevue’s annual Snowflake Lane, with around 8 respondents titling it their favorite part of winter at home. Mercy Li, 9th comments that her “favorite part of winter in Bellevue is probably Snowflake Lane, ice skating at [Bellevue] Square and the occasional snow days!” Others mention ice skating at Bellevue Downtown, the snow, cold, and familiar winter rain.

Finally, other than local adventures, Interlake students seem to have contrasting ideas on their dream vacation location. Some prefer warm, while others enjoy the chilly air. “I might just stay in Bellevue out of familiarity— Downtown Bellevue in the winter is beautiful enough for me,” freshman Allison Lei remarks, reflecting the appreciation for local beauty and comfort of familiar places.

Some seek adventure, particularly skiing, in locations like Telluride, Colorado, and the Swiss Alps. Also, destinations like Paris, London, and Florida’s Disneyworld are chosen for their festive atmosphere and memorable experiences. Other notable mentions include sophomore Saahil Shah, who comments that “I would go to Banff - I went once and it was super beautiful, would love to see what it looks like during winter,” highlighting the desire for scenic beauty and the allure of experiencing a known place in a different season, and Kaya Okahata’s desire to go to “Japan because THE FOOD!!!!” This succinct quote captures the motivation of culinary desire as a primary reason for choosing a destination.

In conclusion, as the frosty air of winter blankets Bellevue, Interlake students wrap themselves in the warmth of familiar comforts and embrace the joy of the season. The consensus is clear: the simplicity of a hot drink, the thrill of a ski slope, and the laughter that echoes through a beloved holiday film are more than mere preferences; they form the fabric of our collective seasonal experience. While some dream of distant snowy peaks or the culinary delights of far-off lands, many find that Bellevue itself, with its own snowy charm and festive Snowflake Lane, offers a winter wonderland close to home. This blend of adventure and contentment, of faraway fantasies and the appreciation for the here and now, captures the essence of the winter spirit among the students at Interlake.